Friday, September 23, 2011


The Neo-Republicans are attempting to do a revolution by economics. IF they succeed, we are done. They don't have a Monica to send into the Oval Office this time, the birther bit didn't work, pretty much everyone, who wants to know, now knows that he is not a Muslim. So, he's black -- and they can't make him act up to where they can dismiss him as an angry black man. SO they are making him look incompetent. O.K., he has helped them more than he should have in order to try to NOT cross into that angry black man stereotype. He has, however, learned from his own mistakes. He didn't start any wars, he didn't cause the depression, and he was the right man for this time.

While I am ranting...... I think one of the things we have to develop is NOT a way to continue the wasteful life-style where growth is the only thing that matters. GROWTH has got us into this mess. Keynesian economics were just right for solving the problems of the great depression; it fueled the frenzy of manufacturing -- that also fueled the disaster of ecological destruction. That is not a good path to solutions today. The NeoRepublican's screeching about "Job creators," is pure bull -s.... What we need is a new economic theory based upon the reality of resource famine. There are too many humans and not enough production. All I see is self-proclaimed experts trying to find a way to support the life style that may not be supportable.. What do you see?

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