Sunday, September 4, 2011

For your attention

Greetings friends:

Instead of sending out e-mails that you may or may not want to read, I have decided to start a BLOG.
I can post my rants on various issues, and you can choose to read me, OR NOT!
When I sent the daily reports from Hungary I really got great feedback. I have, however, been a bit uncomfortable about whether "invading" your e-mail was the right thing to do. Now you have control.

My blogs will definitely be aimed at pooling our resources to enhance the democratic process. (Please note, that is democratic with a little "d"). Should you NOT want to know what I have discovered, or what I think about what I have discovered, that is perfectly O.K. with me.

My main objective is to challenge the many forms of spin that I see and hear every day. These are tough times in the world, and particularly in the USA. Please feel to respond.

I will remove any responses that advocate violence, and excessive use of expletives will probably get deleted too (though, sometimes, some words can make a stronger point)